Friday, August 04, 2006

Friday Full of Fun Part II

On Friday, August 4, 2006, I had a very eventful day. I was at the Washington Monument at 10:00A.M. It was a wonderful experience to see Washington, DC from a bird's eye view. All of the students from the UNC in Washington Program were able to go up to the top around the same time. We went to the top and it was truly amazing. I took pictures from every angle. You could see Virginia and Maryland in the distance. My family has traveled to Washington, DC for years during Memorial Day weekend and I don't think we every went to the top of the Monument.

From there I went to get something to eat with a my roommate and a fellow intern from the UNC in Washington. Upon returning, I had to leave so I could get to an event concerning Nanotechnology. I invited all of the students from the UNC in Washington Program and three people showed up. I am so happy when the people I invite to events, attend them. I learned what nanotechnology is, what type of products it can be seen in and how it's manufactured. I learned more than I ever would have if I wouldn't have attend the event.
After leaving the Nanotechnology, I had to come to work to collaborate on a project with a fellow intern. Due to the massive amount of work that she received that morning we were not able to work on the project very long. The Center for American Progress also was having a Happy Hour event that started at 5:00P.M. I went to the event, the offered various sandwiches, snacks and cake. I was glad I was able to make the event because it was the last day for a lot of interns and a few staffers. We had an extraordinary time during the social event. The atmosphere was filled with intelligent minds that were relaxing but still engaged in the current events.
I have truly enjoyed my stay at the Center for American Progress! They have offered many outlets for me to get to know the staff and my fellow interns. They have also provided me with invaluable experiences that I will remember forever, unless Alzheimer's sets in. The people here are progressing and hopefully I one day I will be able to fill their shoes and my own!


Blogger Ziomal said...

Very nice! I like it. office premium

5:36 PM  

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