Sunday, July 30, 2006

2nd Annual Intern vs. Staff Softball Game

Thursday, July 27, 2006, the Concerned Interns of America (CIA), better known as the Center for American Progress Interns, played some of the staff from the Center for American Progress in the 2nd Annual Intern versus Staff Softball Game. The game was scheduled to start at 5:00P.M. I had work to finish up, so the game had begun by the time I got there. This was a very exciting game. We played 9 innings, and I played in three. In one of the innings, I had a chance at bat. When I finally hit the ball, it was a pop ball and it was caught in the air and I got out. The other two of the innings, I was the catcher. I managed to be in what some people have named the play of the game. They even sent out an email about it that Friday at work. The email was sent from the CIA's spokesman. It follows below:

To offer a correction to your last email: it was 32 Staff 14 Interns. Thanks for keeping the score close, us interns were within striking distance. I think our team was another 9 innings away from winning - I'd call for a rematch, but I wouldn't be around to see it happen.

But I have to say yesterday was a huge success. 32 interns played in some capacity, and by rough estimates another 18 showed up to support making a strong showing of 50 interns at yesterday's game; dwarfing the staff side. We hit some great homeruns. Had some steller fielding plays (the Elliot Forhan ala Derek Jeter cut off then flip to JaMeese to get Trevor was the play of the game). And through 9 hard fought innings, our team stuck it out. I think the staff should know that they may have the single best group of interns in the country. Thanks for choosing us, the least we could do is let you win.

In any case, as per our agreement: the interns restore respect and integrity to the staff -- and some of us will leave today with our tails hiding between our legs.

Those leaving are Andrew Ormes, Julie Siegel, Pete Backof and myself. I think it is safe to say we have all enjoyed our time here. I've interned for four summers now and never before have I ever actually felt sad to leave; not even when I graduated from high school. It is a rarity for me. Thanks for making a lasting impression.



As you can see from the email we lost but we put up a good fight. I'm glad I could help my team in our fight towards victory. Even though we did not win we had a really good time playing and it was a really good opportunity for us to bond with our fellow interns and some of the staff. Everyone had fun being both a participator and a spectator. I might have to join a softball team back home... It's just a thought.

All of the interns made their own shirts. It shows how resourceful and creative we are! The bottom of my shirt says "Meet Me On The Mall, It's Going Down!" We were playing on the mall. You can see the Washington Monument in some of the pictures.


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