Friday, July 07, 2006

Navigating the Beltway: How to Get a Job in Washington

Lunch reception on The Hill was scheduled to discuss coming back to Washington, DC post-graduation. The reception was given by Campus Progress in the Mansfield Room of the Capitol on Thursday, July 6th, at 12:30p.m.
Campus Progress had a panel of successful young professionals. The panel featured: Jehmu Greene, National Director of Project Vote; Heather Higginbottom, Legislative Director for Senator John Kerry; Tanya Clay House, Director of Public Policy for People For the American Way; and David Halperin, Senior Vice President and Director of Campus Progress at the Center for American Progress.

Prior to Project Vote, Jehmu Greene served as the President and Executive Director of Rock the Vote, where under her leadership, Rock the Vote's membership grew from 1,500 to 1 million and the organization registered 1.4 million new voters. Before coming to Capitol Hill, Heather Higginbottom worked at the national non-profit organization, Communities in Schools, and on President Clinton's 'President's Summit for America's Future' where she coordinated the role of communities of faith in the Summit. Mrs. Tanya House began her political career as Legislative Counsel for United States Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) in 2000. From there she moved to the Senate to work for United States Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA). Most recently, Mrs. House was awarded the 2003 Congressional Black Caucus Chair's Award for her leadership in advancing the cause of civil and human rights for all Americans. David Halperin held a host of jobs and positions prior to the Center for American Progress.

The moderator asked the panelists questions mostly about their experience on the Hill and in Washington, DC. These professional people offered advice that will help all the attendees in getting a job and keeping one not only on the Hill and in Washington, DC but in any political arena. I had a chance to meet the entire panel and learn lots from them. I made sure to get contact information. It was a wonderful event and I am glad I attended it. The networking exchange was avid during this event.


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