Monday, June 19, 2006

Friday Full of Fun

On Friday, June 16, 2006 American Constitution Society for Law and Policy had their 2006 ACS National Convention. The convention was held from Thursday, June 15 through Sunday, June 18, 2006 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. The theme for the convention was "Democracy and the Rule of Law." On Friday, the Opening Address was given by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. For those of you who have been keeping up with my posts. This is the second event I have attended this week with Senator Hillary Clinton speaking.

At the ACS Convention Senator Clinton’s topic was “Privacy.” Yes, privacy, it was shocking to the entire audience considering she doesn’t have much. Senator Clinton began by stressing the importance of security in the homes of American citizens. She believes in protecting the privacy, which she no longer possesses, for citizens. With the illegal wire-tapping and other versions of the invasion of privacy were important to her. Senator Clinton and her policy team came up with an acronym for an act to aid in ending the invasion of privacy called the PROTECT Act. She also insisted that citizens should have an opt-out option. Continuing to say that citizens should be notified every time their information is about to be tampered with. I agree that something should be done. Recently, construction companies, doctors, and others have threatened to divulge the personal information of citizens, over the internet, when they were not paid or compensated for work. Senator Clinton, then spoke about the HIPAA Law, which was arranged during the Clinton Administration. The HIPAA Law protects the health information of patients. She went on to talk about the standards of the American people, genetic discrimination, FISA and other minor issues concerning privacy.
Later on, Friday, June 16, 2006 Center for American Progress held an Intern Bar-B-Que. My roommate attended the event with me. The interns along with some of the staff played two games of Capture the Flag. Our President and CEO, John D. Podesta, came to the Bar-B-Que and even participated in a game of Capture the Flag. The Intern Director was the cook. We had hotdogs, hamburgers, and cheeseburgers. It was a nice social event offered to the interns and the staff. It allowed us to socialize in a different environment. I enjoy interning at the Center for American Progress. I could not have wished for a better internship.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am so proud of you, please continue to enjoy the blessings God have endow upon you. This is truly a one in a lifetime experience and I wish you the very best. Keep up the good work and I have enjoyed reading your blog.


10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JaMeese, thank you for sending me the link to your blog. What an adventure! Your NCCU family is very proud of you and wish you continued success. You are our poster child for career services. :)

Tonya Winchester
Associate Director
NCCU Career Services

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am proud you made up your mind to step out and up, higher and higher to reach your goal. Your PawPaw would be so proud of you (Little Mangum) and I am too.


3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on a spiritual high after reading your article. It made me feel as if I were there with you. I thank God for you. You make me proud to be your Boo.


3:23 PM  

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