Wednesday, June 14, 2006

New Opportunities Presented

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to the Campaign for America's Future Take Back America Conference. This conference was being held from Monday, June 12th through Wednesday, June 14th. On June 13th several of the interns from Center for American Progress were allowed to go to the conference. The speaker was suppose to begin at 8:00 AM. Upon arrival I along with the audience was told the speaker was running relatively late. Around 8:15 AM Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton came out on the stage. I knew she was going to be the speaker because Center for American Progress informed us prior to attending the event. However, I was still shocked to see Senator Clinton on a stage less than 30 yards away. She spoke on Oil, Estate Tax, the Federal Marriage Amendment (that was not passed), Crime Rate, Social Security, the New Energy Policy, Foreign Policy, National Security, and the upcoming elections. She criticized the current Administration on some issues very personal to the audience. Senator Clinton said, "[We should] define success not by what we prevent but what we build." I think this was a key point she made during her speech. She also stated that people working on minimum wage have not had a raise in 20 years. Women working the same job as a man and not receiving equal was another issue she brought up. Senator Clinton said "America is better than the government we already have." She said that we recently received the largest cut in student loans for financial aid in 50 years. On another topic, Senator Clinton said, "...the President is always talking about an ownership society, [he's the reason] you're on your own!" She also posed a rhetoric question saying "Does the administration watch cowboy movies all day?" I really enjoyed hearing Senator Hillary Clinton speak it was a great opportunity. The next to come to the podium on stage was the House Democratic Leader Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. I was surprised to see her after Senator Clinton. Congresswoman Pelosi spoke on issues similar to Senator Clinton. Congresswoman Pelosi said "[The] level of sacrifice is not being matched with the level of planning [by the administration]." She also pushed the upcoming election. After Congresswoman Pelosi spoke, John Powers came to introduce the next speaker. He was a moving speaker, considering he was an Iraqi soldier. He quoted Thomas Jefferson "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." John Powers now works for War Kids Relief. Senator John Kerry was the next to come to stage. I was so shocked to see the Democratic Candidate for the 2004 Presidential Election. Senator Kerry spoke about coming back from the Vietnam War and how American citizens said he should not have protested the war. He said, "True patriots have the right to question and criticize." While speaking about patriots, Senator Kerry said, "Patriotism isn't love for power, it's loyalty to the idea of America." Senator Kerry spoke about the young Americans and innocent Iraqis who are constantly losing their lives. He said that the war was a mistake. "We were mislead...I was wrong to vote for the Iraqi War Resolution." He went on to say, "Truth may be a stranger in the White House today." Senator Kerry felt we needed a deadline for the withdrawal from Iraq. Senator Kerry said that this week he planned on proposing to set a date to withdraw from Iraq. He thought that it was time for the Iraqi people to want the democracy that we want for them. These are some additional quotes made by Senator Kerry: "Tell the truth to the American people, then tell it to them all the time," "Make America secure by making America energy independent," "Export products, not jobs," and "It's time for leadership and statesmanship." Senator Kerry spoke on affordable healthcare, No Child Left Behind (NCLB), global warming and veterans. I am glad I was presented with this opportunity I took full advantage of.


Blogger ClioProf said...

Great work, Jameese.

5:18 PM  

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