Saturday, June 17, 2006

More Opportunites

Wednesday I had the opportunity to go back to the Campaign for America's Future Take Back America Conference. This conference was being held from Monday, June 12th through Wednesday, June 14th. On June 14th only ten interns from Center for American Progress were offered a chance to go to the conference. The interns that went attended the session entitled "The Investment Gap: Put People First." The panelist for this session included: John Podesta, President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for American Progress, Governor Ed Rendell, Pennsylvania and Donna Edwards, Candidate for Congress, Maryland District 4th, on leave as Director, Arca Foundation.
Once the panelists were introduced by the moderator, they each spoke for about 10-15 minutes. John Podesta was the first to speak. His primary topic was the current tax codes. John Podesta said, "[The government] made an assault on middle-class America." He went further and later said, "[The government's] tax code... pickpockets middle class." John Podesta concluded his time by speaking briefly about healthcare, tax breaks, and new Center for American Progress ideas. Next, Donna Edwards came up to the podium and began to speak. Donna Edwards first spoke about education and it being a top priority. She stated that our young, African-American males are in trouble because they are not going to college and technical schools are not available in many places. Donna Edwards believes that more funds should go into Vocational/Technical training. She also stands behind infrastructure investment. Donna Edwards said, "[The government should] set new priorities, state not only what's wrong, but where we're going and how we're going to get there." She spoke shortly on a few other topics before next speaker. Governor Ed Rendell was the last speaker. He began by suggesting that the government cut spending. Ed Rendell recommended that the government eliminate vast contracts and accounts. He explained how he was able to preserve revenue in Pennsylvania just by eliminating the numerous cell phone contracts and office supply accounts. Education was the next topic on the Governor's list. Ed Rendell believes in and supports yearly testing. Ed Rendell states that the No Child Left Behind Act gives the money to test yearly, but does not provide the funds to remediate those who are falling behind. An innovative idea proposed by the governor is something I hope comes to past. Ed Rendell suggests that we need to put licensed nurse practioners in small clinics built in large chain drug stores to provided medical attention for minor injuries and wounds. He also proposed that a small clinic should be built beside emergency centers to provide care for minor injuries and wounds. Ed Rendell felt the Democratic party seemed afraid. He then said, "We're the party of religious values." He concluded on the topic of religious values.
The floor was then opened to questions for the panelist. Most of the "questions" were unwanted comments from the audience. I am glad I was given the opportunity to attend this conference. In life we are always given chances. It is often how we accept and utilize them that separate the smart from the wise.
Donna Edwards and JaMeese Mangum at the Campaign for America's Future Take Back America Conference.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

JaMeese, I am so glad that you have this opportunity to explore such memorable moments. I consider that an opportunity of a lifetime.

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamese, I am so proud of you. I have enjoyed reading all the information you have posted on your site. I look forward to what you have to write for the remaining of the summer. Continue to keep God first and you will reach the stars. What are positive role model you are becoming. You Go Girl!!!

4:27 PM  

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