Sunday, July 23, 2006

DC's Hip-Hop Culture

On the Thursday, July 13, 2006, my friend Will and I went to Hip-Hop Theater Festival. The Hip-Hop Theater Festival was held July 10 through July 15, 2006. In six years, the Hip-Hop Theater Festival (HHTF) has grown into one of the most influential outlets showcasing hip-hop performing arts in the country. The Hip-Hop Theater Festival aims to invigorate the fields of theater and hip-hop by nurturing the creation of innovative work within the hip-hop aesthetic. The core of HHTF's programming is its annual Festivals. I was able to attend one of the many events. Prior to the event we went to eat at a Thai Restaurant because the first show of the play we were attending was full. The event was held at The Studio Theatre, 1501 14th Street, NW in Washington, DC.

Upon returning to the second showing of the play, we were able to get a seat. The name of the play was Prison Poetry. Prison Poetry was a one act play following the lives of three black men from three different generations who share the same jail cell for one night. I found the play to be moving and enlightening because even though they weren't all graduates of college they were politically knowledgeable. The first man was the oldest of the three and an activist. The second man was a snobbish law student and the son of the powerful attorney. The last man was a poet and the second oldest of the three.

I'm really glad I was able to attend this event with my friend. Hopefully I will be able to attend more of their events in the future. I would love to see the Hip-Hop Theatre Festical events performed everywhere along the East Coast. I say the East Coast because our culture is somewhat similar along the East Coast. Not to say that the Hip-Hop Theatre Festival would not be influential to other regions. I just think that it would have the greatest impact in that specific region.


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