Sunday, July 30, 2006

4th Annual Intern Event

On Wednesday, July 26, 2006 at the Warner Theatre, 513 13th Street NW, at 12:00noon, a town hall meeting on the importance of public service was scheduled by Partnership for Public Service. This event was brought to my attention first by a fellow intern at the Center for American Progress. I was very excited to have another chance to hear and see Senator Barack Obama. I then found out that NBC's Tim Russert would be moderating the event and that "put the icing on the cake." This would be a chance in a lifetime to hear both of them together IN PERSON! I made sure that I sent my RSVP as soon as possible.
Several interns from the Center for American Progress decided to walk to the event. I'll tell you that Wednesday was extremely hot! We had on our business suites and were ready to network and get ready to work. Priority seating was given to those who had sent an RSVP to the event. Luckily, I had. The dilemma is, doors opened at 10:30A.M. for people with a confirmation number and after 11:15A.M. the doors were open for general admission. That day we were extremely busy in the office. I believe we left the Center for American Progress around 11:05. By the time we got there they were letting everyone in. Somehow or another we ended up sitting in the third row in the orchestra section, which is right in front of the stage. I was so excited! Senator Obama talked about working for a church as Community Organizer. He talked about how he became the United States Senator for Illinois. When the floor was open to questions from the audience, Senator Obama spoke as if he were engaging in a one on one conversation. He thought about his answers before he began to speak. I think he will be a good president in the future. He cares about helping people and giving back that I believe things would look more positively like that did during the Clinton Administration.


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