Sunday, July 30, 2006

Nationals Game

On Wednesday, July 26, 2006 a lot of the interns from the Center for American Progress attended a Nationals Game. The Washington Nationals played the San Francisco Giants at the RFK Stadium. A large group of interns left together around 6:00 P.M. We rode the Blue line to Stadium-Armory. It was like a social gathering on the Metro because many of the people on the Metro were going to the game.
I was shocked because I got to see the infamous Barry Bonds play baseball!!! Even though we were kinda far up, he was relatively fat. I was surprised. It was still a wonderful experience. This was the first professional baseball game I've attended. The interns from the Center for American Progress made my first experiecne a blast. We all sat together. We laughed, cheered, booed, ate and other things as well, like actually watch the game. I stayed for a almost the entire game. A small group of the interns left around the end of the seventh inning. I can't say when I will be attending another baseball game but now I'm more optimistic about attending one.
To look at an article about the game I attend go to click the following link ( wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/25/AR2006072501550.html) or go to google and seach "Nats Knock Off Bonds" and enjoy!
Since we don't have a team from Charlotte, I'll just yell GO NATIONALS!!!


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